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Selectmen's Minutes 05/06/08
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, May 6, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty;

           George Samia, Town Administrator

           Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Not Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman

Mr. Hamilton announced that Mr. Walsh would not be present this evening due to work commitments and that the Board would reorganize as previously voted for the evening.


Robert Looney, Town Moderator and Marcia Weidenfeller, Town Clerk met with the Board to go over the articles for the Special and Annual Town Meeting to be held on May 12, 2008.

Also present were: John Stanbrook, Town Accountant; Marilyn Thompson, Treasurer/Collector; Finance Committee members, Tony Figueiredo, Jeff Luttazi, Dave Foley; School Committee members, Thomas Hamilton and Beth Hayes.


           Article                           Presenter                                 Vote

           1                                  P. Hamilton                                   majority

           2                                  T. McNulty                                    majority

           3                                  D. Walsh                           majority

           4                                  R. Gardner                         9/10

           5                                  John Haines                          majority

           6                                  John Haines                          majority

           7                                  J. Cowan                          Majority

           8                                  R. Pratt                                     majority

           9                                  R. Pratt                                     majority


           1                                  D. Walsh                           majority

           2                                  D. Walsh                           majority

           3                                  P. Hamilton                                   2/3

           4                                  T. McNulty                                    2/3

           5                                  T. Figueiredo                                 majority

           6                                  P. Hamilton                                   majority

           7                                  D. Walsh                           majority

           8                                  T. McNulty                                    majority

           9                                  John Haines                          2/3

           10                                 B. Hayes                           2/3 will be amended

            11                                 B. Hayes                           2/3

           12                                 John Haines                          2/3

           13                                 B. Hayes                           2/3 will be amended

           14                                 J. Cowan                          2/3 will be amended

           15                                 R. Pratt                                     2/3

           16                                 Jane Haines or other              majority

           17                                 John Haines                          majority

           18                                 John Haines                          majority

           19                                 P. Hamilton                                   majority

           20                                 D. Phillips                          majority

           21                                 M. Weidenfeller                              majority

           22                                 J. Cowan                          majority

           23                                 M. Weidenfeller                              majority

Board of Selectmen                                    -2-                                                        May 6, 2008     


24                                             D. Floeck                          majority

           25                                             Jane Haines                          majority

           26                                             R. Pratt                                     majority

           27                                             D. Walsh                           majority

           28                                             P. Hamilton                                   majority

           29                                             P. Hamilton                                   majority

           30                                             P. Hamilton                                   majority

           31                                             T. McNulty                                    majority

Mr. Looney stated that he would ask all voters who attend the town meeting to be civil; no personal attacks will be tolerated. Also, noted that voters need to come early due to limited parking and also possible lengthy lines to register.

A discussion was held regarding amendments from floor on Article 3 & 5. Mr. Looney stated that he would request that any amendment be presented before the meeting in writing to both the Town Clerk and Moderator; noted that amendment should also show source of funding. Mrs. Weidenfeller requested that voters have patience during meeting as changes are made to motions, as Cathy Johnson will be doing the computer this time and has not done this previously.

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the April 29, 2008 meeting.

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the renewal of the License to Sell Second Hand Articles for Ms. Bee haven, 10 West Union Street, for the period of May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2008.

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Louis J. almond, Jr. of the VFW for permission to solicit donations for their annual “Buddy Poppy” drive from Friday, May 16 to Sunday, May 18, 2008.

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton,  a unanimous vote, move to approve, contingent on approval of Departments, the request of the East Bridgewater Garden Club to hold their Annual Plant Sale at Sachem Rock Farm from May 30 to June 1, 2008 to include set-up, sale day and rain date.


Notification received from Rep. McCarthy that Town has received a $50,000 child safety grant; should have additional details soon.


           Curbside Yard waste Pick-up – May 17

           Southeastern Regional School committee vacancy – need to set-up a joint meeting with

School Committee and applicant for end of month.


Notification from the Mass. Municipal Auditor’s & Accountants’ Assn. that John Stanbrook has passed the examination and met all education and experience requirements for recognition as a Certified Government Accountant. Mr. Stanbrook was congratulated on his achievement.


Tony Figueiredo, Finance Committee Chair, informed Board that he wished to clarify statements made recently regarding the FinCom’s position on Article 6. Noted that the FinCom endorses the plan but does not support an amendment.


Board of Selectmen                                             -3-                                            May 6, 2008

A lengthy discussion took place regarding the school bus transportation - Article 6. Mr. Samia presented the reasons for the article, explained that the amount taken from the school budget would be $465,000; the exact amount budgeted last year for full busing. It was noted that the Selectmen were reacting to the sentiments of the townspeople to keep full busing available to students in K-12. Mrs. Hayes stated reasons why she felt the amount should be $401,000 not $465,000.; noted loss of teachers and aids without $64,000. Resident Michelle Madden also spoke regarding her confusion on the article.

Mr. Hamilton closed the Open Forum.

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to close meeting at 8:55 p.m.






           Board of Selectmen